MathWiz has developed Teaching and Class Management Tools to help teachers enhance the delivery of their program. It is a great alternative to the traditional textbook and suited for a Blended Learning classroom where teachers can incorporate an online learning resource with their their own teaching.
Descriptions of the Learning Tools are on the Learning Tools for the Student page. They include animated lessons for the courses, Study Guide questions for the lessons, online practice problems, and practice tests and exams.
Recommended to parents as a resource for them to use when helping their children at home and for use during a prolonged absence from class.
Create Account Teachers and students can start using the sample lessons in the Classroom area without a subscription.
Tips on Using MathWiz
- Promote watching lessons with Study Guide Reviews for better understanding
- Practice Problems for each lesson
- Message Board
Other Points of Interest
Promote watching lessons with Study Guide Reviews for better understanding
The Study Guide review questions are ideal for students to promote re-watching the concepts in the lessons and studying them for better understanding. Each review has a short set of questions tied directly to specific parts of the lesson so students have to re-watch and study the lesson to answer the questions successfully. Use the questions as review in class and/or as a HW check.
Practice Problems for each lesson
Each lesson has a set of practice problems. These are a great way for the students to practice what they have just learned. And hints are provided if their first answer is incorrect.
Completion of problems is recorded in their Progress Reports as number completed and how may tries it took by lesson, unit and whole course.
As a teacher you can diagnose areas that need more improvement for an individual or class.
Message Board
The Message Board is a great way to keep your students up to date about what to watch and complete on MathWiz plus your other daily lesson plans. The form is simple to use and does not take much time to complete.
And best of all, the messages are archived so if anyone is absent they can refer back in time to find out what was missed.